The project will produce results available in the 4 languages of the partnership (EN, FR, GR and SR).

GOAL: raising interest and motivation among young learners (ages 6-9) towards mathematics through the use of kinesthetic techniques (such as moving their whole bodies and/or parts of their bodies) and e-books to help pupils identify concrete elements of reality and connect them to abstract mathematical concepts.

Pedagogical framework

This will set up the knowledge base that the partnership will build on throughout the project’s duration. The intended target is the creation of a methodology for teachers and families that will guide them on how to integrate movement and storytelling into mathematical learning.

The pedagogical framework comprises the following project results:

Research booklet on the advantages of movement and storytelling for learning math

This booklet provides theories and studies that support the use of kinesthetics and storytelling as innovative tools for an interdisciplinary approach of teaching and learning mathematics.

Pedagogical guide on how to apply movement and storytelling for learning math​

This guide presents examples and indications for the classroom but also for parents who would be interested in exploring how to implement the innovative pedagogies involving movement and stories with their children in non-formal environments. The guide also focuses on accessibility and how to adapt the resources to different kind of learners (dys-learners and those with different socioeconomic backgrounds).

Implementation booklet​

This booklet gathers feedback and recommendations from educators, parents and learners who have tested the project materials in different contexts.

Math lessons involving movement

These documents transmit fundamental mathematical notions at a primary level through a motivating and engaging approach that involves kinesthetics. To meet our project goal, here we suggest a combination of materials to invite pupils to actively participate in the learning process and increase their confidence and interest in STEM and mathematics.

These lessons comprise the following project results:

12 lessons involving movement with adaptations for learners with special needs

These lessons present basic math concepts through kinesthetic techniques, so that seemingly abstract ideas are explained in a way that entails pupils moving their bodies (entirely or partially) in order to comprehend the notions. The lessons present adaptations and options for dys-learners and are applicable to different learning environments.

12 practice sheets

These sheets reinforce and better assimilate the math concepts presented in the 12 math lessons. The practice sheets are intended to be dynamic and invite students to practice movements individually or collaboratively, with other pupils or family members.

12 videos

These edited videos add digital and visual support as they showcase the movements involved in the lessons and practice sheets. The recordings of the videos take place in our partner schools in Greece and Serbia.

Math&Move Story E-books

These e-books present different math notions introduced by stories. This final set of resources rounds off the multidisciplinary approach of this project which aims to simultaneously tackle different types of intelligence: visual-spatial, linguistic-verbal, logical-mathematical, and bodily-kinesthetic.

The 12 e-books will include not only all of the previous materials but also introductory stories to better engage pupils.

A technical report will be created, containing structural and technical improvements to these digital materials following a testing phase with teachers and pupils.

Co-Funded by the European Union

The Math&Move project is co-financed by the ERASMUS+ program of the European Union, and will be implemented from October 2022 to October 2024. This website and the project content reflects the views of the authors, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

(Project code: 2022-1-FR01-KA220-SCH-000090086)

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