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Story E-books

These e-books present different math notions introduced by stories. This final set of resources rounds off the multidisciplinary approach of this project which aims to simultaneously tackle different types of intelligence: visual-spatial, linguistic-verbal, logical-mathematical, and bodily-kinesthetic.


In order to open the file on your computer you need to download an ebook reader like Thorium (free)

I can conjure like a magician!

Ms. Helen’s class transforms into math magicians, using a magical spinning wheel to master multiplication and division and jump to the right result.

I can build complex shape!

The pupils in Teacher Julia’s class explore how to identify sides and edges by working together to cut, copy and paste the parts of a many-sided complex shape.

I can build a city of the future!

Mrs. Delaforme’s class learns about polygons and polyhedra by acting as young architects to build a geometric city with strings and cardboard shapes.

I can act on cue!

Join Sara and her friendly teacher, Mr. Simon, as they explore the concept of fractions using colourful candies and their acting skills to find out the parts of a whole.


Our school partners, the primary schools “Savremena” and “Arsakeio” engaged in a unique activity where they not only tested ready-to-use ebooks but also illustrated their own versions, using the provided story text as a base. This process of “co-creation” was implemented to assess how well pupils could visualise the mathematical concepts presented in the story they read. Check out their creations below!

Add up to 60

Telling time

Units of measurement

Co-Funded by the European Union

The Math&Move project is co-financed by the ERASMUS+ program of the European Union, and will be implemented from October 2022 to October 2024. This website and the project content reflects the views of the authors, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

(Project code: 2022-1-FR01-KA220-SCH-000090086)

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